
We all enjoy an opportunity to support a charity working to make a difference in others' lives.

Let's put the two together. Host a TEA BREAK with friends, family, or work colleagues and raise funds for Boccia England.



Register to Host a Tea Break


Anyone can host Tea Break on any day of the year – all you need is a group of people to invite, a place to meet, or reliable internet connection to run the event online.

You make sure there are hot and cold drinks for your guests and they contribute the bakes - biscuits, cookies, cakes, or savoury snacks. If you meet online, everyone brings their own refreshments to the party.

Make the event your own. From an informal chat, a quiz, a speaker, some entertainment, a recipe competition or even a boccia challenge. Feel free to do whatever you like and to spend as long as you like together.

Guest donate on the Boccia England website before the Tea Break takes place. We'll set up a page for donations to your Tea Break and suggest a minimum donation of £10 with the option to give more.


Here are the simple steps to set up your Tea Break:

STEP 1: Register your event here.

STEP 2: We will set up a donation page just for your Tea Break. This is where your guests make their donations.

STEP 3: We will email you everything you need to start inviting your guests, and post out a Fundraising Pack, which includes invitation cards, stickers, bunting, a boccia quiz and much more! You can also download various materials below.

STEP 4: The day before your event, we will email you any final information and advice.

STEP 5: the day after your Tea Break we will email you with the result of your fundraising and a promise of something to look out for in the post.



Your Tea Break Pack will be posted out to you after you register.

The pack contains:

    • A How To Guide
    • Invitation Cards
    • A Boccia Quiz
    • Bunting 
    • Stickers
    • Balloons


    You can also download resources here:


    Delicious recipes from Tea Break hosts and guests:


    Photos from recent Tea Breaks