Following the hugely successful inaugural edition of our Introduction to VI Boccia Development package in 2021, we are delighted to launch the second edition of this initiative developed in partnership with British Blind Sport. The project aims to raise awareness of VI boccia and engage more visually impaired players within our sport through providing organisations and groups with the equipment, resources and access to learning required to develop the skills and knowledge of their coaches, leaders, and volunteers.  

Through this initiative, clubs, schools, and organisations who deliver boccia in England can apply for a fully funded VI Boccia Development package to support their delivery of VI boccia. These packages include:

For more information, including full requirements of the project, please download the information sheet

Downloadable Information Sheet

Applications for our 2nd edition are now open and will close on Sunday 20th August 2023. To apply for the project, please click on the link below.

Apply here

Please note that there are a limited number of packages available therefore, if demand exceeds availability, we will assess the suitability and impact of applicant’s delivery outlined in their application.


If you have any questions about the project or would like this information in an alternative format, please contact

George Bollands, Development Officer (Clubs and Safeguarding)

[email protected] / 07809336321