Our Chair, Mike Walker, stands down from the Board after four years.

Mike has been directly involved in boccia as Chair during a period which has seen significant growth in participation levels nationally, which has led to a raised awareness and understanding of boccia and the benefits the sport brings to those taking part. Mike has also been instrumental in guiding the Board to fulfil its statutory responsibilities ensuring we are complying with both our regulatory and contractual obligations. With Mike’s support we have improved our governance and financial management procedures and processes.

Whilst the last two years has seen the curtailment of outward facing boccia activities during the Coronavirus Pandemic Mike has been supportive in ensuring that there has been continued engagement with members and partners through the provision of virtual activities and programmes.

CEO Chris Ratcliffe said, "On behalf of everyone here at Boccia England I want to express our  thanks to Mike for his support and commitment in helping us get to where we are today. He has given us the foundation to take the sport further through the development of our new long term strategy which we will be launching later in the year."

Thank you, Mike.