On Saturday 23rd July a total of 22 athletes from across the talent pathway came together in our inaugural Pathway individual competition.

The BC1’s and BC2’s kicked off the day with some tightly contested matches before the attention turned to BC3 who did not disappoint and the high standards of boccia continued.

As the day came to a close, it was the medal matches, where Richard Armstrong (BC1), Jason Rolph (BC2), Matthew Berry (BC3) and Harrison Smith (BC4) came out on top and pick up the gold medals!

Final Positions

Gold Richard Armstrong Jason Rolph Matthew Berry Harrison Smith
Silver Alex Dukes Rachel Ross Rafael Young
Bronze Fay Hart James Clowes Sally Kidson


Winner of the 'Player of the Competition' Award was BC3 Bronze medalist, Sally Kidson.

Congratulations to all the winners and a huge thank you to all the volunteers who supported the competition.