Online learning success In September 2020 we launched the first ever online learning series for boccia. Six months on and we are delighted to report on the successful delivery of 13 sessions which attracted over 200 attendances from across the UK boccia community. The sessions provided a diverse range of learning and development linked to boccia coaching, officiating, classification, equipment and more. All sessions were delivered as 60-90 minute online interactive workshops and 80% of surveyed respondents said their knowledge within boccia and the subject has improved or significantly improved since attending. By adapting to new ways of working we have been able to both reach new audiences and upskill our existing workforce during the pandemic. We received overwhelmingly positive feedback from both new volunteers and experienced individuals;“It was enjoyable, informative and thoroughly worthwhile attending. As a complete beginner to boccia I found the workshop very informative and look forward to attending other boccia workshops.” “Great to have the opportunity to participate without the need to travel” “As a boccia coach there is always room for further advice and up to date information and that's what I gained out of this course” The workshops could not have been delivered without our team of dedicated tutors who supported the programme and were rated by learners as excellent or good for their knowledge, communication and engagement. Here’s one of the tutor team Sandra King, telling us about her involvement in the online delivery; "I've really enjoyed being able to offer online learning opportunities and engaging with so many enthusiastic coaches. This is a style of CPD that I imagine will remain for a long time" What next? Following the success of these sessions, we are delighted to confirm that we will be continuing with online learning opportunities for the foreseeable future. The first round of workshops were funded by the UK home nations and therefore completely free to attend. From April 2021, the sessions are offered on a 'pay what you can' basis. At check out, you will see options to select a £0, £5 or £10 ticket and we ask that you select and contribute the amount that is achievable for you. As a charity, Boccia England is reliant on support from organisations and individuals to enable us to continue to change lives through boccia. All contributions will be reinvested in the future delivery of these sessions. Here are the five upcoming sessions:Introduction to Boccia Equipment – Wednesday 21st April – 7pm Introduction to Nutrition – Wednesday 28th April – 7pm Classification for Coaches – Wednesday 19th May – 7pm Introduction to Visually Impaired Boccia – Wednesday 9th June – 7pm Athlete Experiences with Will Arnott – Wednesday 23rd June – 7pm .. Thinking of joining a session? Roy McGee shares this advice for anyone thinking of attending… “If you are someone just starting your journey in the sport of boccia I would say book on as many sessions as you are able to because you will learn so much. Equally, if you have been involved with boccia for some time you will definitely enjoy listening and learning new things from those who more experienced in the sport and I would certainly recommend these sessions.” Supporting links:Recordings of some of the sessions can be found via the Boccia England YouTube channel Book a space on all future sessions here If you’ve attended a session in the past and want to provide feedback, please fill out this survey Manage Cookie Preferences