BISFed have recently issued a statement clarifying their involvement with the BC5 Classification group of athletes, which can be found here.


In brief, it states that there are no current plans, for any BC5 competition at BISFed sanctioned international events, up to and including the Paralympic Games.


The BC5 classification comprises of players with different types of disability. Players with progressive disabilities may be reclassified as BC4s in the future, which would bring them in to the Paralympic pathway. The Paralympic pathway consists of the BC1 -BC4 classification groups who compete at BISFed sanctioned events. Players without progressive disabilities are very unlikely to be reclassified as a BC2 or a BC4, and so may always remain outside of the Paralympic pathway.


Boccia England is committed to offering competitive opportunities across all our internal Boccia classification groups. Individual BC5 players will therefore still be able to enter the Heathcoat Cup or be invited to enter the BE Cup, and remain eligible for schools’ events and League teams. Some BC5 players may still be invited to participate at Academy or England level, this will be decided on an individual basis.