The situation relating to the Coronavirus is an unprecedented one, which has had a huge impact on the delivery of our competition season and courses.

We have outlined some questions and answers to help clarify information relating to Classification and Rankings. We have taken the fairest approach as the 2019/20 season was not completed and to reduce the impact on the 2020/21 competition season.



  1. I was due to have a Classification Review at the BE Cup Qualifier in Gloucester or the BE Cup BE Cup Finals scheduled for May 2020. When will this now take place?
  • Players will be called for review at the next available competition and will be prioritised in ranking order. This will be dictated by capacity for Classification reviews at the competition, so may not necessarily be the first competition in which you play. Please note that BE Cup Classification Reviews usually take place on the evening before the competition.


  1. I obtained the required medical evidence paperwork for a Classification Review which will now not take place. Do I need to obtain updated paperwork before my rearranged Classification Review?
  • No, please ensure that you upload all medical evidence paperwork to Boccia Base as soon as possible, if you have not already done so.


Ranking Points

  1. Will the ranking points gained at BE Cup competitions in the 2019/20 season be used to update the rankings system?
  • We will only be able to make a decision about ranking points once we know if it is possible to play the BE Cup Finals later this year.


We are continuing to monitor the Coronavirus situation closely on a regular basis and will provide updates to this document where necessary.


Please email [email protected]