Billie-Jo and Owen Porter are taking on the At Home Superhero Series Challenge, where they are attempting to complete 150km, by wheeling, walking and jogging with their dog.

Their team name is Boccia Wheelie Wheels, and they are a part of Team Captain Marvel!

Here Billie-Jo tells us of how they are preparing for the event.

'We decided that this would be our challenge, as Owen is in a wheelchair, so he would have ability to be involved by doing the wheeling aspect of the challenge whilst I would be doing the walking and jogging with the dog. This can ensure that Owen is involved despite the limitations seen within his disability. 

In terms of our training, we have been doing daily exercises. I (Billie-Jo) have been going out for runs and walks with the dog. Owen has been having physio and exercises at home. I have also been doing dog yoga with our dog to help develop our mental strength to complete the challenge with determination and raise loads of money for Boccia England, fingers crossed. Owen is learning breathing techniques and completing different mental challenges to ensure that he can complete this challenge. 


Our training is going very well, we are continually completing daily challenges and eating healthy despite the current heatwave. So the days that are very hot we have decided that we would limit the amount of training we do, ensuring that we are constantly hydrated to prevent over exertion and dehydration which would affect us and the completion of the challenge. 

 In this challenge it will be just myself and Owen with the dog completing it. We have no plan or schedule due to the fact that every day propose different challenges e.g illness, injury or the heat which impacts the completion of the daily target to meet the total of the challenge. This is why we are just completing the challenge on a day to day basis so one day could be 2 miles or one day could be 5 miles. We believe that this is alright as nothing in life can be planned and things can change unexpectedly.

We can only try our best each day and hope to fully compete the 150km and raise money for Boccia England!'

Everyone here at Boccia England wishes you lots of luck Team Wheelie Wheels (Billie-Jo and Owen)!

Thank you so much for fundraising for us.