Boccia England is committed to raising the standards of boccia across the country and recognizes that clubs, schools, charities and organizations that provide boccia play a key part in this development and growth of the sport. By working towards a minimum operating standard, Boccia England nationally recognizes good practice in boccia clubs through three levels of the Boccia Boost Accreditation Scheme. These levels are:

Bronze - Details the minimum operating standards that Boccia England expects a club to meet when delivering Boccia. For member and non-member clubs.

Silver - Designed to recognize clubs who can demonstrate they are working to develop and provide high levels of coaching, officiating and governance within their setting. Your club will need to be a registered Boccia England member.

Gold - This level is to showcase those clubs who are providing an exceptional level of Boccia coaching, officiating and governance, not only for their own players but also for the growth of boccia across England. Your club will need to be a registered Boccia England member.

Clubs do not need to complete these levels in order – you can apply for silver or gold rather than bronze if it suits your club best.

Each level of accreditation has associated criteria in areas including delivery, development, training, duty of care, safeguarding, sports equity and administration. Clubs achieving accreditation are rewarded with a selection of benefits.

For more information about the scheme, download the Boccia Boost Accreditation pack by clicking here.

To apply for the Boccia Boost Accreditation, please click here.

For more information about the Boccia Boost Accreditation scheme, please contact Boccia England by emailing  [email protected] or calling 07809 336 321. 

Accreditation Roll of Honour


(Details the minimum operating standards that Boccia England expects a club to meet
when delivering boccia. We expect most of the groups applying for accreditation will meet this level.)


(Designed to recognise clubs who can demonstrate they are working to develop and provide high levels of coaching, officiating and governance within their setting.)


(This level is to showcase those clubs who are providing an exceptional level of boccia
coaching, officiating and governance, not only for their own players but also for the growth of boccia across England.)

Defiant Sport Boccia BEE's Bexley Dodgers
Highfurlong School PACE Boccia Club Boccia Sheffield
Howes Primary School Rochdale Boccia Club Boccia Wirral
Jigsaw Scarboccia Club Nottinghamshire Boccia Club
Plymouth School Sports Partnership Sheffield Smashers
Reach Mansfield
Solent Boccia Worcestershire Boccia Club
Special Olympics Skelton Cleveland BOCCIA Club YMCA Thames Gateway
Victoria Community Boccia Club
YMCA East Surrey
Corby Boccia Clan